Monday, April 23, 2012

Photos that I Especially Love

This is One of the tulips in my little front flower bed that I can never seem to get enough pictures of. I have been of late taking many, many pictures, especially close up in Macro.
Our lovely Buff Orpington rooster, Chubby.
And lastly for tonight, a lilac tree right outside my bedroom window.

Some of Said Pets

Okay, I thought all you guys may want to see my dog and cat that I explained in the last post, I;m afraid on this computer I can't get the most recent ones, but Here's Marian (The Corgi)
Then Friday the Lazy Tux Cat
I'll get lots more pictures of these two as time goes on, they have become quite the camera hogs over here. Thanks guys!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

To Start us Off

              I'm just a girl, living in town for the first time with chickens, a garden and most recently, a flower bed which to explode my 'artistic gardening' on. I have my personal flock of chicks (Two pullets, Creme and Rider) that I love a TON. I also have my 22-hour-inside-pets (2 hours a day for outside potty breaks) My Corgi, Marian and our family tuxedo-Cat, Friday.